Setup PagerDuty Alerts

In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup PagerDuty Alerts. 

Integration Setup in PagerDuty

In PagerDuty navigate to the Services > Integrations in your PagerDuty Service directory. Below, as an example, you will see 2 integrations: Events API and Email for the service SaaS Monitoring.



To create a new Service integration, click on “Add a new integration” link.

  • Add an Integration Name
  • Select the option “Use our API directly”
  • Click on “Add Integration” button


Next, the API integration will be added to your service.


Save this integration key in a secure manner because it will be used when you create an alert using Q-Sensei’s Dashboard.


Setup in Q-Sensei

Navigate to Dashboards tab on the Q-Sensei Analytical UI. Click on Activate Alert icon displayed on the top right part.



Configure Alert

Specify the alert threshold and recurring time period.


Additionally, from the dropdown select the notification medium as PagerDuty. Once you select PagerDuty, you will need to specify following PagerDuty related information

Integration Key
This was created in the previous step
Severity Level
Perceived severity for the corresponding incident, this should be one of the following values:
PagerDuty Event Type
Alert – This represents a problem which needs immediate attention from the on-call responder.
Change – A change in the system that does not represent a problem.

After you have specified these settings, click on Save Changes to save these settings.


Disable the PagerDuty Alert

You can disable a PagerDuty alert by clicking on the alert icon in the top right corner. Then click the Delete link within the pop-up to disable the alert. 


Contact us for support

If you need help with this integration please contact us at

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